Organizatii psihopate: nu, n-are nimeni grija

De cand cu Toxic Threads, studiul pe care il puteti citi aici:, si despre care am scris ceva aici: adus aminte de un articol pe care l-am citit cu ceva timp in urma si care mi-a ramas in minte. Dar nu mi-am facut timp sa-l gasesc si iata ca azi, citind altceva, hop si referinta la articolul respectiv. Mi-am adus aminte si de o conversatie cu o prietena despre corporatii. Ea imi argumenta ca o corporatie nu ar aduce deservicii consumatorilor, atat timp cat asta ii afecteaza imaginea si implicit vanzarile. Iata mai jos o dovada ca nu este asa, o lista a produselor care provin din alimente modificate genetic:

Daca aveti curiozitatea sa cautati lapticul pt bebelusi in lista, il veti gasi sub mai multe nume foarte mari si foarte tari. De ce este acest lucru o problema? Pai nu stim exact, nu stim nici daca este, nici daca nu este. Dar daca s-a facut o legatura intre porumbul modificat genetic si grave probleme de sanatate la soareci, s-ar putea si alte alimente care se bazeaza pe vegetale modificate genetic, sa cauzeze grave probleme bebelusilor. Despre soareci care au mancat prea mult porumb modificat genetic, cititi aici ce au patit: Nu erau bine, in 7 zile aratau semne de leucemie. Si un overview :

Despre laptic nu am gasit un studiu macar, oare de ce? Poate pt ca nu vrem sa stim nimic?

Numeroase studii de psihologie sociala ne-au aratat ca e foarte usor sa manipulezi personalitatea omului introducandu-l intr-un grup de care se simte atasat si atribuindu-i un rol. Seamana foarte mult cu procesul denumit popular „spalare de creier”, o modificare radicala de comportament, opinii, credinte si valori, in asa fel incat sa se potriveasca situatiei in care se afla individul.

Iata ca organizatiile puternice pot fi un astfel de grup. Cititi si va cruciti si va mai ganditi daca are cineva grija de voi, consumatorul care plateste. Si apoi platiti in alta parte! Alternative exista, scrie in blog 🙂


Studiu: Ketola, T: From CR-Psychopaths to Responsible Corporations: Waking Up the Inner Sleeping Beauty of Companies, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 2006. DOI: 10.1002/csr.113. Volume 13, issue 2, 2006, Turku School of Economics, Finland

Studies in corporate responsibility (CR) have found that many large companies seem to fulfil the psychiatric criteria for psychopaths.

Dr. Tarja Ketola argues that working in large companies which employ psychopathic practices which breach people’s basic values quickly becomes a huge mental burden for managers and employees. But she sees a solution in the form of using ethical principles employed by individuals in their personal lives.

„According to the natural law (lex naturae) all people all over the world share the same sense of morality, irrespective of their religion and background,” says Dr. Ketola.

„Why then, should people keep their personal values separate from their work values? If key individuals or the majority of personnel within psychopathic companies realise that the same ethical principles they use in their personal life also apply in business life, the ‘spell’ will be broken and they will overcome organisational resistance to genuine corporate responsibility.”

These results suggest that ‘psychopathic’ companies can move towards ideal responsibility by developing their economic, social and ecological responsibilities in harmony on the basis of virtue ethical values.

Dr. Ketola notes, „if these companies can stop schizophrenically separating their staff’s personal values from their professional values, allowing people in organisations to integrate them into a natural harmonic unity, the corporate responsibility ‘100-year sleep’ could be over.”

Are corporations psychopaths? Personality characteristics of psychopaths Examples of organisational behaviour:

      1. Unconcern for others’ feelings – harsh treatment of employees, customers and partners- sudden terminations of employment contracts and business contracts
      2. Inability to maintain human relations – transferring business operations from country to country in order to minimize production expenses- constant change of employees and partners
      3. Disregard for others’ safety – products and production methods endangering human health and the environment- dangerous working conditions
      4. Dishonesty and lying to one’s own advantage – keeping silent about the risks of hazardous products and production methods, covering them up and denying their existence- deceiving employees, customers and partners
      5. Inability to feel guilt – when exposed of wrong-doing, asserting innocence (denial), blaming others (projection) and justifying one’s action (rationalisation)
    6. Inability to observe the laws and norms of society – breaking human rights, labour, contract and environmental laws and agreements when it is economically more beneficial than observing them

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